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Monday, December 30, 2024
I Peter 1:13
Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;
For further study - I Peter 1:13-25
I do want you to read all thirteen verses of our extended reading for today; however, we will focus on the first three verses of our devotional for our time in the Word.
Let me remind you, as I reminded myself as I read these verses, that our "new birth", the fact that we have been "born again", that we are saved means that we should live a "lifestyle of holiness".
The first three verses of our extended reading will set us on the way to that kind of a lifestyle. Peter actually gives us five pointed exhortations that should bring us in line with a daily experience of "holy living."
In verse 13 we see the first three exhortations. "Gird up the loins of your mind" is saying prepare your minds for "action". There is much we cannot control in life but we can control our "minds".
Paul told us to "think right", Philippians 4:8. Paul said to think on things pure, true, honest, lovely, good and just. We are to think on these things. When we "think right" we are "girding up our minds", preparing them for "action".
Peter then tells us to "be sober" which means to be "self-controlled". We are to "hope to the end" when Jesus Christ comes back, when He is revealed. His return is our "blessed hope" and that motivation for us to "lay aside" that which is not Godly and "live" that which is "Godly," as we "look" for Him to come.
Verse 14 tells us to "be obedient" to the Lord and don't walk in the lifestyle of the "former lust" that can take us astray. In other words, be not conformed to previous evil desires.
The fifth exhortation from Peter is the central theme of this passage, "be ye holy", verse 15. Holiness is what the Lord expects of each of us. This is true because He is "holy", and we are to be conformed to His image.
Holiness is to penetrate "all manner of conversation". That's not referring only to how we talk but our entire lifestyle should reveal holiness, even as He is holy.
Remember, this is possible as we prepare our minds, live under self-control, stay away from former lust, and look for the coming of Jesus. By the way, that coming of Jesus could be today!
PRAYER THOUGHT: Dear Lord, help me to think right, live self-controlled, stay away from evil desires and be holy as I await Your soon return.