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Monday, May 29, 2023

Isaiah 45:18

For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else.

For further study - Isaiah 45:1-25

I hope you have some time to spend in this forty-fifth chapter of Isaiah. This is an excellent chapter of God's prophetic Word that reveals prophetic events that will happen, some of them only 150 years after they were given.

Other prophecies contained within the verses of this chapter will be fulfilled in the future, certainly future from Isaiah's day but also future from today.

The chapter also confirms that God is the creator of all things, which gives Him the authority to reveal the future, the Creator can tell you what His creation will face at a future date.

There is no way I can point out everything I would like for you to see in this devotional reading for today. I'll hit some "high points" but please spend a good amount of time reaping a harvest of great truths from what I do not cover.

I must bring to your attention the name "Cyrus", verse 1. This is the man, Cyrus, the leader of the Medo-Persian Empire, that allowed Zerubabbel and fifty thousand Jews to return to Jerusalem after the Babylonian Captivity. They returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple by permission of Cyrus and with funding from Cyrus as well.

Isaiah pre-wrote history that was fulfilled 150 years after he penned the prophecy, as found in Isaiah 44:28 and 45:1-4. The record of the fulfillment of this prophecy is found in Ezra 1 and 2.

Notice the verses that confirm that God created the heavens, the earth and all that in them is, verses 7-8, 12 and 18. The Lord gives testimony to "who He is" also in this chapter, verses 5-6 and 21-22.

This is a message from the one and only true God, through His spokesman, the Prophet Isaiah. God makes a commitment to save and give an everlasting salvation to the Jewish people, verses 17, 22 and 25. This is a prophecy that is yet to be fulfilled. Current events indicate we are in the process of moving toward the fulfillment of that prophecy.

Let me conclude my thoughts with verse 19, what a blessing this chapter is to the Jewish people, the "technical recipients" of these promises. It is also a blessing to us who are Christians who receive a "spiritual blessing" from these truths.

But you know, of course, that the entire book of Isaiah, in fact, the entire 66 books of the Bible are the spiritual "milk and meat" that we need on a daily basis. That's why the statement that God made about not speaking in "secret" is so good.

We all have His Word available to us so that we can receive the blessings from our time of reading and study of it. Dear Friend, join me as we "feast" on the "Word of God".

PRAYER THOUGHT: Thank you Lord, for Your Word that You have spoken openly to me and all who will read it. It is a blessing Lord, to have the Creator of all things communicate with me daily.