- Zephaniah 3:20
- Zephaniah 3:9
- Zephaniah 2:3
- Zephaniah 1:18
- Habakkuk 3:18-19
- Habakkuk 2:14
- Habakkuk 1:5
- Nahum 3:19
- Nahum 2:13
- Nahum 1:15
- Micah 7:18
- Micah 5:2
- Micah 4:10
- Micah 4:13
- Micah 4:6-7
- Micah 4:5
- Micah 4:1
- Micah 1:2
- Micah 1:2
- Jonah 4:11
- Jonah 3:10
- Jonah 2:10
- Jonah 1:1-2
- Obadiah 18
- Obadiah 16
- Obadiah 10
- Obadiah 1
- Amos 9:15
- Amos 7:14-15
- Amos 5:8
- Amos 3:7
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Thursday, May 13, 2021
Micah 1:2
Hear, all ye people; hearken, O earth, and all that therein is: and let the Lord God be witness against you, the Lord from His holy temple.
For further study – Micah 1:1-5
When you mention the name Micah, an ancient Jewish prophet, one most likely thinks of the Christmas story and the birthplace of Jesus revealed in Micah 5:2, Bethlehem-Ephratah. However, there is so very much more prophecy in Micah, I don't know where to start.
The name of the book, Micah, is basically the theme of the book. "Micah" translated means, "who is like Yahweh". "Yahweh" is the most important name for God used in the scriptures over 6,800 times. Yahweh is the "Creator" and "the One who controls history".
As you approach your study of the book, and even a devotional reading of the book, it is always good to have some type of an outline of the book. I might suggest an outline but I also suggest that you look into developing your own if it fits your study better than mine.
I see a four-part outline in Micah:
1. Proclamation – Micah 1-3
2. Prophecy – Micah 4-5
3. Plea – Micah 6
4. Pardon – Micah 7
Micah 1-3 is a proclamation of "judgment" to come; 4-5 contains prophecy for the near future and the end of times events; 6 is the Lord pleading for the Jews to repent and 7 is the pardon that the Lord promises to the Jewish people. This is an excellent book to see how the Lord, "Yahweh" works to bring the Jewish people to Himself.
As we read this book for our devotions we will see that the theme is as I suggested, "who is like Yahweh", and that is restated in the last chapter of Micah, verse 18. If you couple verse 18 with verse 20 you will see that the Lord is so great that He not only forgives and pardons but keeps all of His promises, His covenants, that He made with the Jews.
I love the fact that Yahweh is a "promising-keeping God", as evidenced in His actions with the Jewish people, therefore I can know He will keep all of His promises that He has made to me as a Christian. His promise of "everlasting life", to me and to you, as a Christian is an absolute. Praise the Lord.
By the way, His promise that He is coming to call us to join Him in the heavens at the Rapture is also absolute. He will come to get us, I believe in the near future. As we read through Micah you will realize that the prophecies found in Micah 4-5 are at the point of being fulfilled, only the Rapture must happen first. Keep looking up, it could be today.
PRAYER THOUGHT: Since the Rapture could happen today, dear Lord, please keep me focused on you and the way I must live in light of how close your shout might be, even today.