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Friday, October 17, 2008

Jeremiah 30:7

Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble, but he shall be saved out of it.

For further study - Jeremiah 30:1-11

Starting with the thirtieth chapter of Jeremiah we move into the section of this prophetic book referred to as the "messages of consolation", where Jeremiah, "the weeping prophet", reveals his heart and the prophetic Word of God that is somewhat of a "consoling message" to the Jews who had heard the previous messages of retribution.

Jeremiah 30-33 are the four chapters where the Lord uses the ministry of Jeremiah to console the Jewish people. As the prophet begins this section he does so in chapter 30 with a mix of retribution and consolation.

Jeremiah lets the Jews know that though they will go into the Babylonian Captivity, and indeed they were taken captive by the Babylonians, that the Lord would bring them back into "the land of their forefathers", verse 3.

Jeremiah told the Jews that they would actually "possess the land" as promised to the patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, verse 3b. This passage has a "double fulfillment" as is the case in other prophetic passages as well.

This means that there would be a "near term fulfillment" of these prophecies, and these prophecies were fulfilled, the Lord did return the Jews to the "land of their forefathers." The "long term fulfillment" of these prophecies, that the Jews would come back into the land in the last days, is in the process of being fulfilled, even today.

Verse 8 says that the "yoke" of the enemies of the Jewish people will be broken in the future, and that "King David" will be raised up to be co-regent with Jesus Christ as the Lord rules and reigns at the Temple in Jerusalem in the future Kingdom.

Notice verse 7 and the warning of "troublesome times" for the Jewish people, which is also yet future. I'm referring to the seven year "Tribulation Period" that takes place after the Rapture of the Church.

Jeremiah referred to the "time of Jacob's trouble" which is the last three and a half years of the seven year "Tribulation Period". The "time of Jacob's trouble" is like no time ever in the history of the Jewish people, verse 7.

It will be a time when the Lord dispatches the Archangel Michael, Daniel 12:1, to keep the Jews from being totally eliminated. God promised Jeremiah that there will be a great number of Jews to be saved, both physically and spiritually, out of the "time of Jacob's trouble".

By the way, as we watch the events of today unfolding and those things happening in Israel and among the Jewish people, it seems to be an indication that we are quickly approaching the "time of Jacob's trouble".

Remember, the Rapture takes place before the Tribulation, and the Lord's shout for us to join Him in the heavenlies could happen today.

PRAYER THOT: Thank you Lord for Bible prophecy that alerts me of the times I'm living in. Help me to live for You as I await Your return.