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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Isaiah 2:2

And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.
For further study - Isaiah 2:1-5

This passage of scripture is a glimpse into the “Kingdom to come”. This will be the time when Jesus is the “King of Kings” and “Lord of Lords”. Jesus will be on His throne in Jerusalem, in the Temple. At that time there will be a “theocratic” government in place and all living on the earth will live under the Lord's rule.

It will be a time of no war, in fact, people won't ever learn of war, verse 4. The soldiers will return to farming, using the farm implements formed out of swords and spears. Finally, “peace” will have come to earth. The "Prince of Peace" will be on His throne in Jerusalem.

Jerusalem will be the central focus of the world. Not only will Jesus be there, He will teach us from there. Each of us will go and gather others to join us as we hurry to the "house of the Lord", the Temple, to hear Him teach.

The Lord will teach His ways from the "mountain of the Lord", another name for the Temple Mount which will be the location of the Messiah's Temple. As He teaches us, we will go forward to walk in His paths.

There are several applications in this passage, one, His “word” is what we need to learn, as He teaches us, so we can then walk in His paths. This will be a part of the lifestyle of the future, forever.

Another application is that today there will be wars, but one day no more need for military armament, we won't even learn of war anymore. Because the Lord is there, Jerusalem will be the focus of the world, the center of our teaching and thus learning.

Notice the "word" of the Lord will go out and around the world from Jerusalem. It is the “word” that goes out and we should cherish, love, honor and obey His word today.

PRAYER THOT: Help me to study your word so I can walk in your paths.