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Sunday, April 28, 2024
Colossians 1:17
And He is before all things, and by Him all things consist.
For further study - Colossians 1:15-29
As we come to our devotional time today we will look at the letter that Paul wrote the people in Colosse, the new church that he had established there, a letter that elaborates our sufficiency in Christ Jesus.
The entire letter is another of the letters that Paul penned during his ministry that would be such a help to the early Christians, as well as to all of us today.
I've been to Colosse, in what is today modern-day Turkey. What remains of the community there is nestled in the mountains high above the area of the church that was located in Laodicea, the area known in Biblical times as Asia Minor.
The area of Colosse today is like the Alps in Europe, breathtaking by it's beauty. Paul reveals to those Christians at Colosse that the beautiful area where they lived had been created by Jesus Christ, verse 16. Jesus created everything and it was created for Him.
We'll take a look at verse 17 in a moment, but first notice what the Lord has done for us by Jesus, through His blood, verse 20. We have been "reconciled" by what Jesus did for us on His cross, verse 21. We who were not in harmony with Jesus, because of our sin, had been alienated from the Lord but by His shedding of blood on the cross we have been "reconciled", brought back into "perfect harmony" with Christ Jesus.
Paul reveals the "mystery" which hath been hid from ages and generations, verse 23, the "church". The "church" is made up of both Gentiles and Jews who have been "born again". That would be all who have trusted in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, that which is the "power of God unto salvation".
Paul told those at the Church in Colosse that because we're born again we have Christ, who "is our hope of glory", verse 27.
The rocks, the mountains, the animals, humankind, by Him all of these things were created. But what holds all of creation together so that today they do not "blow apart"? Jesus is the one who holds all things together. The truth is, one day everything will "blow apart". That's when everything on this earth will "burn up" as foretold in Bible prophecy, II Peter 3:10.
All that Jesus will have to do is release the power that holds everything together and it all burns up, just as Bible prophecy tells us. Then we'll have new heavens and a new earth, the former heavens and earth will burn up. This seems to indicate that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled, seemingly in the near future.
PRAYER THOUGHT: Thank you Lord for reconciling me back to You and for holding all of Your creation together until the time of the end.
PRAYER THOUGHT: Thank you Lord for reconciling me back to You and for holding all of Your creation together until the time of the end.
Thursday, April 25, 2024
Colossians 1:16
For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: All things were created by him, and for him.
For further study - Colossians 1:9-19
As I read the extended portion of our devotional today I can hardly contain myself. His glorious power, Colossians 1:11, has given us all long suffering and patience, with joyfulness. Verse 12 says we are "partakers of the inheritance of the saints".
We've been delivered from the power of darkness. We have been redeemed through His shed blood, which means we have the forgiveness of our sins. Then He reveals to us how He can grant all these things to us, He is the Creator of all things, verse 16.
Our key verse for today tells us that by Him, by Jesus Christ, "all things" were created. That's "all things" in the heavens and on the earth. All things in creation that are visible to us, and those things we cannot see, the invisible things of this world, He created.
Look at the last words of verse 16, "all things were created by Him, and for Him". I have a note beside this verse in my Bible, "a created one cannot be the Creator". I don't remember where I got that thought from, but it is true.
It seems like the world today is made up of a bunch of "creators", not the "created ones". For sure the "created" are not living in light of the fact that the verse says, "all things were created for Him".
The basis for all prophetic truth in the Bible is the reality that the Creator, Jesus Christ, knows the beginning from the end. He is the only One who can tell us what will happen in the future.
Notice verse 17, "and by Him all things consist". He not only brought everything into existence, but He keeps everything together today. He is in charge and has a plan for the world and for each of us in this world.
The last verse in our reading, verse 18 tells it all. The final events in history happen so that He might have the pre-eminence over, and with His creation.
We started these thoughts with what we have in Him and conclude with each of us as the creation giving Him the pre-eminence. We can do that because of what we have in Him.
It is great that the Creator loves us enough to tell us in the prophetic passages of scripture what will happen as we prepare for His return to be the pre-eminent One.
Remember, the creation brought forth by the Creator is the basis for all of prophetic truth. He has a plan for His creation and He let's us know what it is in His Word. What a wonderful Creator.
PRAYER THOUGHT: Help me to remember, that You, Jesus, created man, ultimately me, for Your own purpose and Your glory.
Monday, April 22, 2024
Ephesians 6:11
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
For further study - Ephesians 6:10-18
Our devotional reading for today is an exhortation for us on how to dress in these the last days.
Our key verse sets the pattern for what a "well-dressed" believer in Christ wears as he or she prepares to face the "wiles of the devil" in these last days before Jesus returns to the heavenlies above us and shouts for us to join Him in the air, to ever be in His presence.
Paul reveals to us, actually warns us, of the real battle we will have to fight as the end times draw closer and closer. The battle will not be against "flesh and blood", verse 12, but against "satanically" directed creatures.
Verse 12 gives us the list of enemies in the last days, "principalities, against powers, against rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in the heavenlies".
Every creature mentioned on the list is energized by Satan and involved in an unseen battle going on in our world to take control of world leaders, religious leaders, and even those of us who know the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour.
Satan realizes the time he has left, Revelation 12:12, and from this point on will intensify his efforts to stop the plan of God from being played out in these last days. Daniel 10:13 and 20 reveals that Satan takes control of "world leaders" for his own purposes.
II Corinthians 11:13-15 tells us that the devil is an "angel of light", verse 14, and he even dispatches his "evil angels" to take control, possess men and women who use the pulpits of our world to divert God's people from doing God's plan for today and the future.
This is why Paul tells us to "put on the whole armour of God" so that we will be able to withstand the "wiles of the devil".
Verses 14-17 speaks of the pieces of the "armour" we are to "put on". We will not take the time today to go through each item we're to put on for the battle; however, let me draw your attention to two verses, verses 13 and 18.
When we have adorned ourself with the whole "armour of God" we will be able to "stand" in the evil days ahead, before the Rapture. Then in verse 18 Paul tells us after we have dressed for the battle we are to "pray" and "watch".
Prayer "changes us" so that we can conform to his image. "Watching" is that act of being aware of the enemy, the Devil and also "watching" for the Lord's return.
We dress properly for the end times, recognizing who the real enemy is, Satan, and we pray as we watch for our Lord to call us up to be with Him.
PRAYER THOUGHT: Thank you Lord, for my battle armour, help me to stand as I pray and watch for Your soon return.
PRAYER THOUGHT: Thank you Lord, for my battle armour, help me to stand as I pray and watch for Your soon return.
Thursday, April 18, 2024
Ephesians 2:14
For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us.
For further study - Ephesians 2:11-18
This is a very important passage of scripture that we have selected for our devotional reading for today. It will reveal how "two peoples", Jews and Gentiles, became "one". Verses 11-12 explain that in times past these two peoples were apart, "at enmity with each other". But today when both are in Christ, both are believers in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, they are now close, in fact they are "one".
This happens because of the "blood of Jesus". In fact, Jesus is the One who brought peace between Jews and Gentiles, verse 14, by taking out the "wall of partition" that was between the Jew and the Gentile.
The phrase, "wall of partition" is speaking of a "wall" around the Jewish Temple when it stood in Jerusalem to keep the Gentile from entering the sacred area of the Jewish Temple.
The Lord, with His death, burial and resurrection took out the "wall of partition" between Jew and Gentile and when the Temple was destroyed, as Jesus said it would be, the wall of partition was also destroyed at the Temple.
In the Messiah's Temple, the one described in Ezekiel 40-46, there is no "wall of partition", indicating that both Jew and Gentile have access to the Lord Jesus Christ when He sits upon His throne in the Holy of Holies in the Temple. This Temple will be erected at the end of the Tribulation and the beginning of the one thousand year Millennial Kingdom yet to come.
With the wall of partition gone between Jew and Gentile, now we both have access to Jesus. We have become "one in Christ", verse 15. There is not a "Jewish church" and a "Gentile church". There is one Church made up of Gentile and Jewish believers.
There are those who today endeavor to try to put the wall back up between Jews and Gentiles. We must not allow that to happen. There can be no division between the members of the body of Christ, the Church.
The "Church Age", after the Day of Pentecost and until the day of the Rapture, is a time when Jews and Gentiles who trust Christ become one. They are called Christians. Jews and Gentiles, when they are saved, are not Jewish Christians or Gentile Christians, we are Christians.
Before Pentecost and after the Rapture, Jews and Gentiles who believed in Jesus were, or will be "believing Jews" or "believing Gentiles". This is a key principle in understanding Bible prophecy.
It is also important that we understand this principle so that we do not divide the Body of Christ. Jesus took the wall out, we must not try to put it back and divide the Church.
The Lord has a special program for Old Testament Jewish and Gentile saints and those who are Tribulation saints made up of Jews and Gentiles. He also has a special program for Christians and this program and where it is carried out are totally different.
PRAYER THOUGHT: Thank You Lord for Your plan that brings Jews and Gentiles together as one.
Friday, April 12, 2024
Ephesians 2:8
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
For further study - Ephesians 2:1-10
What a truth - the message of our key verse in our reading today, verse 8. It is the "grace" of our wonderful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - it is the "grace" by which we are saved. There was no work that I could do to be made pure, only the "blood" of Jesus Christ could cleanse me, and you, and make us whole.
It was God who has made us alive in Jesus Christ and given us the "grace" needed to walk, not after the course of this world according to the "prince of the power of the air", but in His power. God's "grace" is that which delivers us from the Satanic power in this world.
By the way, before we leave that thought, notice that the "evil one" is the "prince of the power of the air". Since the fall of man and the end of the original "theocracy", Satan, the devil, has been the "prince of the air", the ruling entity of this world.
Notice also that even though we are saved by "grace" through "faith" and "not of works" lest any of us could boast, there is another side to the story. After our salvation by "grace" and through "faith", we must "work". Verse 10 tells us that we have been created in Christ to do "good works" – not "works" to get saved, but "works" because we are saved.
I have said all of this to bring you to the verse that is such a blessing for each of us - verse 6. Because of His grace made manifest in my salvation and yours, the Lord has in His mind raised us up to Heaven and there to sit with Him in the heavenlies. Now, we recognize that we are on the earth, not in the heavenly places yet. However, God sees us with His Son Jesus in the heavens.
This is such a precious promise to those of us who have been saved by His "grace". For a period of time yet, we are still in this evil world under the "prince of the power of the air," Satan. But our "blessed hope" is that because of what we have in Christ there is the "blessed hope" of the future abiding place for each of us who know Him as Lord and Savior.
You remember, do you not, that at the wedding, spoken of by John in Revelation, we as the "bride of Christ" are married to Jesus Christ. Our wedding gowns will be made up of our "righteousness", Revelation 19:8, which is basically the "righteous acts" or deeds that we do.
Jesus is the one who created us to do these "good works", until He comes. He is also the one who empowers each of us to do His work. All of this as a result of His grace bestowed upon each of us.
PRAYER THOUGHT: Lord because of Your grace, I am saved, but help me to fulfill that which You created me to do as a new creature, to work for you.
Sunday, April 7, 2024
Ephesians 1:22
And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church.
For further study - Ephesians 1:15-23
As we come to this New Testament book of Ephesians, we come to the realization of who and what we are in Jesus Christ, and what He has given to each of us who know Him as Lord and Saviour.
The entire book will be a blessing to you as you read through it's pages. Let me suggest that you do that reading at another time, other than your devotional time. Ephesians will be a blessing to you.
Our key verse today, verse 22, sets the stage for our Lord to come to power in His kingdom to come, especially as you combine verse 21 and 22. Please notice however, that presently our Lord is seated at the right hand of the Father in heavenly places, verse 20. Jesus Christ is not now on His throne, where He will rule and reign from in the future.
We are not now in the Kingdom. This is a very important truth that must be enforced at this time in history. The Kingdom, when Jesus Christ will rule and reign, is during the future 1000-year kingdom, Revelation 20:4-6. This kingdom comes into place after the return of Jesus to Jerusalem, Zechariah 14:4.
The reason that this is so important today, is that there is a belief in some Christian circles that we are in the Kingdom. It is referred to as the "Kingdom now" doctrine.
The Old Testament prophets did speak of a "kingdom" for the Jewish people one day. Daniel 7:13-14 reveals the truth of that coming Kingdom, which will be a physical Kingdom headquartered in Jerusalem. Jesus Christ will build His temple on the Temple Mount, Zechariah 6:12, and rule and reign from that temple for 1000 years, Zechariah 6:13.
If we say we are in the Kingdom right now, we contradict God's prophetic program for the Jews in the future. In fact, in order to be in the Kingdom right now, we must negate all Biblical promises to the Jewish people for the future.
That is what happened in Nazi Germany in World War II. Hitler was setting up the 3rd Kingdom and he had to remove the Jews in order for that to happen. Wrong doctrine is very dangerous.
Our text today says God has set His Son in position to have dominion over all of creation in a Kingdom to come.
In closing let me say that all we see going on in our world today seems to be setting the stage for God's end time plan for an earthly Kingdom to be set up in Jerusalem. Though it is not now in operation, our Lord's Kingdom is close at hand. We must live in light of that truth.
PRAYER THOUGHT: Thank you Lord for who and what we are in You and for Your Kingdom to come!
Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Galatians 4:29
But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now.
For further study - Galatians 4:19-31
Paul's message in Galatians is that salvation comes by "grace through faith". He also warns Peter in a public chastisement that a Gentile does not have to become a Jew to then become a Christian.
As Paul prays for the people of Galatia, he writes to them that he wants to be present with the people to work with them "until Christ be formed in them", verses 19-20.
Paul is eager to warn the Galatians that God's grace alone will give them salvation. The Apostle uses a method of presentation to illustrate "grace over works". Paul discusses Abraham's sons, the two that are best known would be Ishmael and Isaac.
The first-born, Ishmael, was born to a "slave woman", and Isaac, the second born, was born of the "free woman". This illustration is speaking to the issue of the one under bondage to the "law", the Mosaic Law given at Mt. Sinai and the one free through "grace".
Paul carries the theme through out this text to conclusion with the statement that "we are not children of the bond woman, but of the free woman", verse 31. This is great doctrinal truth that is applicable for our daily walk with Christ; however, there is more for us to glean from this "field of truth", there is more that we must learn.
In verse 29, Paul uses the text to explain the children of the "flesh", Ishmael, and the children of the "Spirit", Isaac. Paul wrote that these two would be in conflict spiritually and physically. Paul also says that was the case in his day, verse 29. Notice the last five words of verse 29, "even so it is now".
These five words shout out the reality of today, Ishmael against Isaac. Ishmael went to live in Arabia and fathered the people who would become the "Islamic" people of today. Mohammad himself stated that he was a direct descendant of Ishmael. We know that Isaac was the father of Jacob, who became Israel, the Jewish people of today.
There is today a conflict between these two boys, Ishmael, the Islamist and Jacob, the Jews. It is interesting to note that the descendants of Hagar, the Ishmaelites are still slaves to sin.
Though the Jews are still in bondage to sin, one day in the future these sons of the "son of promise", Isaac, will be free in their Messiah, Jesus Christ. But until then the conflict between these two "brothers" will continue, as we see unfolding in our world today.
PRAYER THOUGHT: Thank You Lord for the grace that You gave me for my salvation.
PRAYER THOUGHT: Thank You Lord for the grace that You gave me for my salvation.
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